Summer Heat
and our Deaf Dogs, Any Dog
If the pavement, sand on the beach, or any surface is hot, the temperature can cause dangerous and painful injury to our dogs’ paws.
Test. Think. Take precautions.
I posted this information two years ago, but we must always remind ourselves and others how extremely dangerous things can get in the hot summer temperatures. Watching the screen on our weather station located in our front yard, my heart sinks thinking of all the animals outside in the rising temperatures. Too many are left unattended, provided with an insufficient supply of fresh-cool water, shade, comfortable shelter, or chained to a tree or stake. Why do these people have a pet? Would they like to be chained outside in the heat for hours? Do they really care about their dog who depends on them for life's essentials, including real love and genuine-attentive care?
The following is a reprint of an article from FOX59 news in Indianapolis. The additional requirements of the ordinance are good, but I would like to see them go further. The consequences need to carry a bigger penalty that bites into the human’s purse and personal comforts. Perhaps they should experience what they put their precious pets through. At the least, the pups need to be taken out of the home. Children are taken from unsafe environments, and we need to protect the ones without voices - we must be their voices and protectors.
“Indianapolis, Indiana has a new addition to the Indianapolis Animal Care and Treatment Ordinance that defines the extreme low and high temperatures at which point dog owners must bring their dog inside a temperature-controlled facility.
The new rules were added to the Care and Treatment of Animals ordinance in September 2015, and this is the first summer they are in effect.
According to the ordinance, it is now required by law to provide dogs with shelter when the temperature reaches 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and humans must bring their dog inside when it’s warmer than 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
The law also sets new requirements for tethering and enclosures. Here is a complete list of the improvements made to the ordinance, as provided by Friends of Indianapolis Dogs Outside (FIDO):
Your dog must have access to:
A shelter constructed of solid wood or other weather-resistant materials consisting of solid walls on all sides
A dry floor raised above the ground
A roof sloped away from the entrance to protect your dog from weather and extreme cold
Pen or Fenced Enclosure
Dogs must have adequate space for exercise when confined to a kennel, enclosure, or pen which must be at least 100 square feet (for example 10ft. x 10ft.)
Any dog over 80 pounds must be provided with a space of 150 square feet
For each additional dog inside the enclosure, an extra 50 square feet must be provided
It is against the law to tether (chain) any dog if any of the following is true:
The dog is less than 6 months old
The dog is sick or injured
It is between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m.
The dog is not spayed or neutered. Unless you are an adult, you may have your dog in your visual range, and be outside with your dog
Extreme Weather
Your dog must be brought inside a temperature-controlled building, such as your house when:
The temperature outside is 20°F & below
The temperature outside is 90°F & above
A heat advisory has been issued
A wind chill warning has been issued
A tornado warning has been issued
On any day where the temperature is at or above 80°F, your dog’s shelter must be shaded by either trees or a tarp.
"The new ordinance does not prohibit people from walking their dog or letting their dog outside to relieve themselves. The new ordinance is targeted at situations where dogs are otherwise living in extreme temperatures 24/7 or close to it," said Darcie Kurtz of FIDO.
According to the Humane Society of Indianapolis, unlike humans, dogs are only able to perspire around their paws which is not enough to keep their bodies cool.
Some signs of heatstroke include but are not limited to:
Anxious expression
Refusal to obey commands
Warm, dry skin
High fever
Rapid heartbeat
If your dog experiences any of these symptoms, call a veterinarian immediately and lower the animal’s body temperature by applying towels soaked in cool water to the hairless areas of the body.
Please be EXTREMELY diligent, caring, responsible, and loving.
Be responsible. Be caring. Be loving.
“Do unto others, as you want them to do unto you.”